[svnbook] r4276 committed - Make a new 1.6 Russian translation branch....

svnbook at googlecode.com svnbook at googlecode.com
Wed Jun 27 11:51:13 CDT 2012

Revision: 4276
Author:   cmpilato at gmail.com
Date:     Wed Jun 27 09:50:56 2012
Log:      Make a new 1.6 Russian translation branch.

* branches/1.6/ru
   New, copied from ^/branches/1.6/en.

* branches/1.6/ru/HACKING,
* branches/1.6/ru/ID-REMAP,
* branches/1.6/ru/README,
* branches/1.6/ru/REVIEW,
* branches/1.6/ru/TRANSFORMING,
* branches/1.6/ru/prep-book-for-oreilly
   Remove these English-specific bits.



--- /branches/1.6/en/HACKING	Fri Jul  8 12:25:31 2011
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,287 +0,0 @@
-This style guide is intended to be *an addition to* the O'Reilly and
-Associates style guide at http://www.ora.com/oreilly/author/stylesheet.html
-Tone: somewhere between formal and informal.
-      For example:
-      - We use contractions
-      - We don't say things like "You see"
-- Always title sidebars
-- High level chapter outline:
-  - This is what I'm going to tell you.
-  - I'm telling you this *right now*.
-  - This is what I told you.
-- We have a "Version Control System", NOT a "Revision Control
-  System"
-- We have "working copies", not "working directories"
-- Always use long Subversion commands (e.g. "checkout", not "co", etc)
-- We perform "commits"; we don't "check in" or do "checkins"
-- They are URL "schemes"; not "schemas".
-- Use double-quotes with spaceful command-line arguments instead of single-
-  quotes wherever possible, to increase the likelihood of the command
-  working on Windows.
-- No first-level section should assume that the reader has read any
-  other first-level section in the book, unless it explicitly states
-  that such an assumption is being made (or rather, recommends that
-  the reader first visit said other section).
-- Common compound words or phrases we tend to be inconsistent about
-  (some of this is redundant with O'Reilly's Word List, some learned via
-  the copyedit process):
-     datatype (n.)
-     logfile (n.)
-     out of date (see "up to date")
-     out-of-date (see "up-to-date")
-     plain-text (adj.)
-     up to date (as in, "bring the working copy up to date")
-     up-to-date (adj., as is "an up-to-date working copy")
-     web site (n.)
-- ### TODO: Our sample repository will be its own repository that all
-  examples come from and it will be publically accessible.
-- Primary user: Sally (username "sally")
-- Secondary user: Harry (username "harry")
-- Tertiary user: Ira (username "ira")
-- Primary server machine/URL: svn.red-bean.com
-- The book uses the DocBook 4.4 DTD, found in our source tree.
-- *Always* validate your XML before committing.  Do not commit XML
-  that is not well-formed.  See the README for how to validate your XML.
-- We use commented-out divider lines to help us quickly locate section
-  boundaries.
-- There are some ASCII character sequences and faux characters of
-  sorts which are more accurately (and more flexibly) expressed using
-  XML entities or UTF-8 characters.  We tend to use the XML entities;
-  O'Reilly prefers the UTF-8, where available.  But the
-  transformations should be reversible in either case:
-       Name            ASCII      XML Tag/Entity     UTF-8
-     --------------   -------   ------------------   -----
-     apostophe           '            '           '   ### NOT YET ###
-     ellipsis           ...          …          ...
-     emdash             --           —           --
-     double-quotes     "..."    <quote>...</quote>
-     minus               -           −           -
-  Of course, use the ASCII sequence where it appears literally, such
-  as in source code listings and computer output.
-- Screen output (<screen>...</screen>) and program listings
-  (<programlisting>...</programlisting>) should be limited to 78
-  characters in width.  Use backslash ('\') as a line continuation
-  character.  For our purposes, "screen output" involves literal
-  transcripts of command-line interaction and "program listings" are
-  any sort of literal dump of a file's contents.  (If you merely want
-  some sort of relatively structured text, consider using
-  <literallayout>...</literallayout>.)
-- When referring to the name of binary programs (svn, svnadmin,
-  httpd), making a non-specific reference to one of their subcommands,
-  use the <command> tag:
-     You can create a repository using <command>svnadmin</command>.
-     Use the <command>svnadmin create</command> subcommand for this
-     purpose.
-  But when suggesting inline a particular command-line invocation, use
-  <userinput>:
-     For example, if you run <userinput>svnadmin create
-     /path/to/repos</userinput>, Subversion will create a new
-     repository for you in <filename>/path/to/repos</filename>.
-  This policy means you can't use phrases such as "run 'svn switch
-  --relocate'".  Why?  Because if a user typed, literally, 'svn switch
-  --relocate<Enter>', she'd get an error.  And there's no svn
-  subcommand called 'svn switch --relocate'.  To fix this, you need to
-  either expand the command-line invocation into something complete:
-     Run <userinput>svn switch --relocate  
-     <replaceable>TO-URL</replaceable></userinput>.
-  or embed the option of interest in the surrounding prose:
-     Run <command>svn switch</command> with the
-     <option>--relocate</option> option.
-  Avoid referring to "the svn command" except in contexts where the
-  user would literally have run 'svn<Enter>'.  Instead, talk about
-  "the <command>svn</command> program".
-  Also, avoid referring to "the update subcommand" or "Subversion's
-  status command" -- subcommands are specific to particular binary
-  programs, and not to Subversion as a whole.  It's better to say "the
-  <command>svn update</command> subcommand" and "the <command>svn
-  status</command> subcommand".
-- Module names like "mod_dav_svn" and "libsvn_ra_neon" are not
-  technically <command>s, but we'll use that tag for them (unless they
-  are being used in the context of a directory listing or somesuch, in
-  which case we'll use <filename> and the full name, "mod_dav_svn.so").
-- All markup should be properly indented, with the exception of
-  <screen> and <programlisting>blocks, which (save for their opening
-  tag) should be aligned all the way to the left:
-         <para>This is what that output looks like:</para>
-         <informalexample>
-           <screen>
-     $ svn --version --quiet
-     1.5.0-rc1
-     $
-     </screen>
-         </informalexample>
-         <para>See how concise that was?</para>
-- Markup options with aliases like so:
-     <option>--revision</option> (<option>-r</option>)
-  not like:
-     <option>--revision (-r)</option>
-Because of the way we've chosen to format our XML (with a goal of
-increased readability), there are some pre-processing steps required
-to get technically correct formatting of our rendered book contents:
-- Whitespace after a <screen> or <programlisting> tag, up to and
-  including the first carriage return, should be removed.
-- Whitespace (including carriage returns) around
-  <indexterm>...</indexterm> should be removed.
-- Subcommand names: we always use long names of subcommands,
-  e.g. "checkout", not "co".  This goes for both prose and examples.
-- Options, not switches: Those --blorg things are called options and
-  not switches.  Don't ever call them switches.
-- Option names:
-    - By default, identify an option by *both* its long and
-      short name in the prose, e.g. "use the --revision (-r) option to
-      do blah..."
-    - For examples (those in <screen> tags, as well as those embedded in
-      the prose with <command> tags), use the short version, so as to
-      be more realistic and get users comfortable with the
-      abbreviations.
-- Anything that needs attention or fixing should be marked with
-  ###TODO so that it's easy to find. Also, please add your userid to
-  any inline comments to facilitate discussion 'in the code.'
-- Do you want to mention svnbook.el in here?  Note that it's already
-  mentioned in the top-level HACKING file.  Maybe this HACKING file
-  should be merged into that one?  I dunno, you guys make the call.
-<chapter id="svn-ch-pi">
-  <!-- =================================================================  
-  <!-- =================================================================  
-  <!-- =================================================================  
-  <sect1 id="svn-ch-pi-sect-1">
-    <title>Flornthorple Plathering</title>
-    <para>The real key to <firstterm>Plathering</firstterm> is to
-      start with a good glab. A good glab provides a solid thorpy
-      foundation.</para>
-    <!-- ===============================================================  
-    <sect2 id="svn-ch-pi-sect-1.1">
-      <title>Cross-blather</title>
-      <para>Cross-blather tends to create a hoopy pile of crandy. You
-        can avoid this by using cross-blather's <command>cb-avoid</command>
-        command:</para>
-      <informalexample>
-        <screen>        <!-- We use an EOL here, but technically shouldn't  
-$ cb-avoid
-Avoiding blather......... Done
-</screen>                       <!-- Closing tag at the left-most column  
-      </informalexample>
-      <!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  
-      <sect3>
-        <title>Exceptions</title>
-        <para>There's one to every rule.<footnote><para>Exception,
-          that is.  Were we talking about inches, there would be
-          twelve.</para></footnote>  Except this one.</para>
-      </sect3>
-      <!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  
-      <sect3>
-        <title>Final thoughts</title>
-        <para>I see a bright light coming toward me….</para>
-      </sect3>
-    </sect2>
-  </sect1>
--- /branches/1.6/en/ID-REMAP	Thu Jul 20 16:06:37 2006
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,381 +0,0 @@
-svn	svn
-svn-foreword	svn.foreword
-svn-ch-0	svn.preface
-svn-ch-0-sect-1	svn.preface.audience
-svn-ch-0-sect-2	svn.preface.howread
-svn-ch-0-sect-3	svn.preface.conventions
-svn-ch-0-sect-3.1	svn.preface.conventions.typo
-svn-ch-0-sect-3.2	svn.preface.conventions.icons
-svn-ch-0-sect-4	svn.preface.organization
-svn-ch-0-sect-4b	svn.preface.new-1-1
-svn-ch-0-sect-5	svn.preface.free
-svn-ch-0-sect-6	svn.preface.acks
-svn-ch-0-sect-6.1	svn.preface.acks.sussman
-svn-ch-0-sect-6.2	svn.preface.acks.fitz
-svn-ch-0-sect-6.3	svn.preface.acks.cmpilato
-svn-ch-1	svn.intro
-svn-ch-1-sect-1	svn.intro.whatis
-svn-ch-1-sect-2	svn.intro.history
-svn-ch-1-sect-3	svn.intro.features
-svn-ch-1-sect-4	svn.intro.architecture
-svn-ch-1-dia-1	svn.intro.architecture.dia-1
-svn-ch-1-sect-5	svn.intro.install
-svn-ch-1-sect-6	svn.intro.components
-svn-ch-1-sect-7	svn.intro.quickstart
-svn-ch-2	svn.basic
-svn-ch-2-sect-1	svn.basic.repository
-svn-ch-2-dia-1	svn.basic.repository.dia-1
-svn-ch-2-sect-2	svn.basic.vsn-models
-svn-ch-2-sect-2.1	svn.basic.vsn-models.problem-sharing
-svn-ch-2-dia-2	svn.basic.vsn-models.problem-sharing.dia-1
-svn-ch-2-sect-2.2	svn.basic.vsn-models.lock-unlock
-svn-ch-2-dia-3	svn.basic.vsn-models.lock-unlock.dia-1
-svn-ch-2-sect-2.3	svn.basic.vsn-models.copy-merge
-svn-ch-2-dia-4	svn.basic.vsn-models.copy-merge.dia-1
-svn-ch-2-dia-5	svn.basic.vsn-models.copy-merge.dia-2
-svn-ch-2-sect-3	svn.basic.in-action
-svn-ch-2-sect-3.1	svn.basic.in-action.wc
-svn-ch-2-dia-6	svn.basic.in-action.wc.dia-1
-svn-ch-2-sidebar-1	svn.basic.in-action.wc.sb-1
-svn-ch-2-table-1	svn.basic.in-action.wc.tbl-1
-svn-ch-2-sect-3.2	svn.basic.in-action.revs
-svn-ch-2-dia-7	svn.basic.in-action.revs.dia-1
-svn-ch-2-sect-3.3	svn.basic.in-action.track-repos
-svn-ch-2-sect-3.4	svn.basic.in-action.mixedrevs
-svn-ch-2-sect-4	svn.basic.summary
-svn-ch-3	svn.tour
-svn-ch-3-sect-1	svn.tour.help
-svn-ch-3-sect-2	svn.tour.import
-svn-ch-3-sect-3	svn.tour.revs
-svn-ch-3-sect-3.1	svn.tour.revs.numbers
-svn-ch-3-sect-3.2	svn.tour.revs.keywords
-svn-ch-3-sect-3.3	svn.tour.revs.dates
-svn-ch-3-sect-4	svn.tour.initial
-svn-ch-3-sect-5	svn.tour.cycle
-svn-ch-3-sect-5.1	svn.tour.cycle.update
-svn-ch-3-sect-5.2	svn.tour.cycle.edit
-svn-ch-3-sect-5.3	svn.tour.cycle.examine
-svn-ch-3-sect-5.3.1	svn.tour.cycle.examine.status
-svn-ch-3-sect-5.3.2	svn.tour.cycle.examine.diff
-svn-ch-3-sect-5.3.3	svn.tour.cycle.examine.revert
-svn-ch-3-sect-5.4	svn.tour.cycle.resolve
-svn-ch-3-sect-5.4.1	svn.tour.cycle.resolve.byhand
-svn-ch-3-sect-5.4.2	svn.tour.cycle.resolve.copyover
-svn-ch-3-sect-5.4.3	svn.tour.cycle.resolve.revert
-svn-ch-3-sect-5.5	svn.tour.cycle.commit
-svn-ch-3-sect-6	svn.tour.history
-svn-ch-3-sect-6.1	svn.tour.history.log
-svn-ch-3-sect-6.2	svn.tour.history.diff
-svn-ch-3-sect-6.2.1	svn.tour.history.diff.local
-svn-ch-3-sect-6.2.2	svn.tour.history.diff.wcrepos
-svn-ch-3-sect-6.2.3	svn.tour.history.diff.reposrepos
-svn-ch-3-sect-6.3	svn.tour.history.cat
-svn-ch-3-sect-6.4	svn.tour.history.list
-svn-ch-3-sect-6.5	svn.tour.history.finalword
-svn-ch-3-sect-7	svn.tour.other
-svn-ch-3-sect-7.1	svn.tour.other.cleanup
-svn-ch-3-sect-7.3	svn.tour.other.import
-svn-ch-3-sect-8	svn.tour.summary
-svn-ch-4	svn.branchmerge
-svn-ch-4-sect-1	svn.branchmerge.whatis
-svn-ch-4-dia-1	svn.branchmerge.whatis.dia-1
-svn-ch-4-sect-2	svn.branchmerge.using
-svn-ch-4-dia-2	svn.branchmerge.using.dia-1
-svn-ch-4-sect-2.1	svn.branchmerge.using.create
-svn-ch-4-dia-3	svn.branchmerge.using.create.dia-1
-svn-ch-4-sect-2.2	svn.branchmerge.using.work
-svn-ch-4-dia-4	svn.branchmerge.using.work.dia-1
-svn-ch-4-sect-2.3	svn.branchmerge.using.concepts
-svn-ch-4-sect-3	svn.branchmerge.copychanges
-svn-ch-4-sect-3.1	svn.branchmerge.copychanges.specific
-svn-ch-4-sect-3.2	svn.branchmerge.copychanges.keyconcept
-svn-ch-4-sect-3.3	svn.branchmerge.copychanges.bestprac
-svn-ch-4-sect-3.3.1	svn.branchmerge.copychanges.bestprac.track
-svn-ch-4-sect-3.3.2	svn.branchmerge.copychanges.bestprac.preview
-svn-ch-4-sect-3.3.3	svn.branchmerge.copychanges.bestprac.merge
-svn-ch-4-sect-3.3.4	svn.branchmerge.copychanges.bestprac.ancestry
-svn-ch-4-sect-4	svn.branchmerge.commonuses
-svn-ch-4-sect-4.1	svn.branchmerge.commonuses.wholebr
-svn-ch-4-sect-4.2	svn.branchmerge.commonuses.undo
-svn-ch-4-sect-4.3	svn.branchmerge.commonuses.resurrect
-svn-ch-4-sect-4.4	svn.branchmerge.commonuses.patterns
-svn-ch-4-sect-4.4.1	svn.branchmerge.commonuses.patterns.release
-svn-ch-4-sect-4.4.2	svn.branchmerge.commonuses.patterns.feature
-svn-ch-4-sect-5	svn.branchmerge.switchwc
-svn-ch-4-sect-6	svn.branchmerge.tags
-svn-ch-4-sect-6.1	svn.branchmerge.tags.mksimple
-svn-ch-4-sect-6.2	svn.branchmerge.tags.mkcomplex
-svn-ch-4-sect-7	svn.branchmerge.maint
-svn-ch-4-sect-7.1	svn.branchmerge.maint.layout
-svn-ch-4-sect-7.2	svn.branchmerge.maint.lifetime
-svn-ch-4-sect-8	svn.branchmerge.summary
-svn-ch-5	svn.reposadmin
-svn-ch-5-sect-1	svn.reposadmin.basics
-svn-ch-5-sect-1.1	svn.reposadmin.basics.txnsrevs
-svn-ch-5-sect-1.2	svn.reposadmin.basics.revprops
-svn-ch-5-sect-1.3	svn.reposadmin.basics.backends
-svn-ch-5-table-1	svn.reposadmin.basics.backends.tbl-1
-svn-ch-5-sect-1.3.1	svn.reposadmin.basics.backends.bdb
-svn-ch-5-sect-1.3.2	svn.reposadmin.basics.backends.fsfs
-svn-ch-5-sect-2	svn.reposadmin.create
-svn-ch-5-sect-2.1	svn.reposadmin.create.hooks
-svn-ch-5-sect-2.2	svn.reposadmin.create.bdb
-svn-ch-5-sect-3	svn.reposadmin.maint
-svn-ch-5-sect-3.1	svn.reposadmin.maint.tk
-svn-ch-5-sect-3.1.1	svn.reposadmin.maint.tk.svnlook
-svn-ch-5-sect-3.1.2	svn.reposadmin.maint.tk.svnadmin
-svn-ch-5-sect-3.1.3	svn.reposadmin.maint.tk.svndumpfilter
-svn-ch-5-sect-3.1.4	svn.reposadmin.maint.tk.svnshell_py
-svn-ch-8-sect-3.1.3-ex-1	svn.reposadmin.maint.tk.svnshell_py.ex-1
-svn-ch-5-sect-3.1.5	svn.reposadmin.maint.tk.bdbutil
-svn-ch-5-sect-3.2	svn.reposadmin.maint.cleanup
-svn-ch-5-sect-3.2-ex-1	svn.reposadmin.maint.cleanup.ex-1
-svn-ch-5-sect-3.3	svn.reposadmin.maint.diskspace
-svn-ch-5-sect-3.4	svn.reposadmin.maint.recovery
-svn-ch-5-sect-3.5	svn.reposadmin.maint.migrate
-svn-ch-5-sect-3.6	svn.reposadmin.maint.backup
-svn-ch-5-sect-6	svn.reposadmin.projects
-svn-ch-5-sect-6.1	svn.reposadmin.projects.chooselayout
-svn-ch-5-sect-6.2	svn.reposadmin.projects.import
-svn-ch-5-sect-7	svn.reposadmin.summary
-svn-ch-6	svn.serverconfig
-svn-ch-6-sect-1	svn.serverconfig.overview
-svn-ch-6-table-1	svn.serverconfig.overview.tbl-1
-svn-ch-6-sect-2	svn.serverconfig.netmodel
-svn-ch-6-sect-2.1	svn.serverconfig.netmodel.reqresp
-svn-ch-6-sect-2.2	svn.serverconfig.netmodel.credcache
-svn-ch-6-sect-3	svn.serverconfig.svnserve
-svn-ch-6-sect-3.1	svn.serverconfig.svnserve.invoking
-svn-ch-6-sidebar-1	svn.serverconfig.svnserve.invoking.sb-1
-svn-ch-6-sect-3.2	svn.serverconfig.svnserve.auth
-svn-ch-6-sect-3.2.1	svn.serverconfig.svnserve.auth.users
-svn-ch-6-sect-3.2.2	svn.serverconfig.svnserve.auth.general
-svn-ch-6-sect-3.4	svn.serverconfig.svnserve.sshauth
-svn-ch-6-sect-3.5	svn.serverconfig.svnserve.sshtricks
-svn-ch-6-sect-3.5.1	svn.serverconfig.svnserve.sshtricks.setup
-svn-ch-6-sect-3.5.2	svn.serverconfig.svnserve.sshtricks.fixedcmd
-svn-ch-6-sect-4	svn.serverconfig.httpd
-svn-ch-6-sect-4.1	svn.serverconfig.httpd.prereqs
-svn-ch-6-sect-4.2	svn.serverconfig.httpd.basic
-svn-ch-6-sect-4.3	svn.serverconfig.httpd.authn
-svn-ch-6-sect-4.3.1	svn.serverconfig.httpd.authn.basic
-svn-ch-6-sect-4.3.2	svn.serverconfig.httpd.authn.sslcerts
-svn-ch-6-sect-4.4	svn.serverconfig.httpd.authz
-svn-ch-6-sect-4.4.1	svn.serverconfig.httpd.authz.blanket
-svn-ch-6-sect-4.4.2	svn.serverconfig.httpd.authz.perdir
-svn-ch-6-sect-4.4.2-ex-1	svn.serverconfig.httpd.authz.perdir.ex-1
-svn-ch-6-sect-4.4.2-ex-2	svn.serverconfig.httpd.authz.perdir.ex-2
-svn-ch-6-sect-4.4.2-ex-3	svn.serverconfig.httpd.authz.perdir.ex-3
-svn-ch-6-sect-4.4.3	svn.serverconfig.httpd.authz.pathauthzoff
-svn-ch-6-sect-4.4.3-ex-1	svn.serverconfig.httpd.authz.pathauthzoff.ex-1
-svn-ch-6-sect-4.5	svn.serverconfig.httpd.extra
-svn-ch-6-sect-4.5.1	svn.serverconfig.httpd.extra.browsing
-svn-ch-6-sect-4.5.2	svn.serverconfig.httpd.extra.other
-svn-ch-6-sect-5	svn.serverconfig.multimethod
-svn-ch-7	svn.advanced
-svn-ch-7-sect-1	svn.advanced.confarea
-svn-ch-7-sect-1.1	svn.advanced.confarea.layout
-svn-ch-7-sect-1.2	svn.advanced.confarea.windows-registry
-svn-ch-7-sect-1.2-ex-1	svn.advanced.confarea.windows-registry.ex-1
-svn-ch-7-sect-1.3	svn.advanced.confarea.opts
-svn-ch-7-sect-1.3.1	svn.advanced.confarea.opts.servers
-svn-ch-7-sect-1.3.2	svn.advanced.confarea.opts.config
-svn-ch-7-sect-2	svn.advanced.props
-svn-ch-7-sect-2.1	svn.advanced.props.why
-svn-ch-7-sect-2.2	svn.advanced.props.manip
-svn-ch-7-sect-2.3	svn.advanced.props.special
-svn-ch-7-sect-2.3.1	svn.advanced.props.special.executable
-svn-ch-7-sect-2.3.2	svn.advanced.props.special.mime-type
-svn-ch-7-sect-2.3.3	svn.advanced.props.special.ignore
-svn-ch-7-sect-2.3.4	svn.advanced.props.special.keywords
-svn-ch-7-sect-2.3.5	svn.advanced.props.special.eol-style
-svn-ch-7-sect-2.3.6	svn.advanced.props.special.externals
-svn-ch-7-sect-2.3.7	svn.advanced.props.special.special
-svn-ch-7-sect-2.4	svn.advanced.props.auto
-svn-ch-7-sect-2b	svn.advanced.pegrevs
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-svn-copyright	svn.copyright
--- /branches/1.6/en/README	Thu Jun 18 12:23:31 2009
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
-HOW-TO:  Compiling the Subversion Book
-This Subversion Book is written in DocBook 4.4.
-The goal of this document is to give simple instructions to anyone who
-wants to compile this book into a useful format, like HTML or PDF.  It
-should state *exactly* which tools to use, and how to invoke them, in
-simplest terms.
-Table of Contents:
-  DocBook has a tortured, confusing history.  Before you do anything,
-  take a look at Eric Raymond's excellent "DocBook Demystification HOWTO":
-     http://tldp.org/HOWTO/DocBook-Demystification-HOWTO/
-  It's very short and clears up many things.
-1. Fetch XSL stylesheets for DocBook and place them in src/tools/xsl.
-   The "DocBook Open Repository" on Sourceforge has a large collection
-   of XSL stylesheets that specifically operate on DocBook.  Download
-   and install the latest 'docbook-xsl' package from this page:
-      http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=21935
-   Download the latest version of docbook-xsl, unpack it, then rename
-   the unpacked directory to src/tools/xsl, something like this:
-      $ cd src/tools
-      $ tar zxvf docbook-xsl-X.YY.Z.tar.gz
-      $ mv docbook-xsl-X.YY.Z xsl
-   The default build process expects to the stylesheets to be in
-   src/tools/xsl/.
-2. Use XSLT to transform the book.
-   XSLT applies an .xsl stylesheet to an .xml file, and produces some
-   new markup document.
-   * Get libxslt, a C library for XSLT, from http://xmlsoft.org/XSLT/.
-     (If you're having trouble finding a source package to compile,
-     try ftp://archive.progeny.com/GNOME/sources/libxslt/1.0/.)
-     Install it:
-        $ tar zxvf libxslt-1.0.22.tar.gz
-        $ cd libxslt-1.0.22
-        $ ./configure
-        $ make
-        # make install
-     (Note: you may discover that you need to install libxml2 first.
-     Find it at ftp://archive.progeny.com/GNOME/sources/libxml2/)
-     If you don't want to compile libxslt, you can just fetch the
-     appropriate OS binary package.
-   * From this directory (en, or another language directory), do
-        $ make all-html
-     This produces a single-page HTML version of the book in
-     book/svn-book.html, and a multi-page version in book/html-chunk/.
-3. Make a PDF file.
-   Formatting Objects (FO) is a layout language, kind of like
-   postscript, dvi or css.  People are quickly standardizing on it.
-   * Fetch FOP, a java program which converts .fo files into PDF:
-        http://xml.apache.org/fop/index.html
-     There are approximately 17577 ways to install FOP.  Rather than
-     describe them all, we will recommend one way.  If you've already
-     installed FOP some other way, that's fine, then you can ignore
-     the following recipe:
-        1. Download the latest version from
-           http://archive.apache.org/dist/xmlgraphics/fop/,
-           for example, fop-0.20.5-bin.tar.gz.  Just get a binary
-           distribution -- there's no need for the Java source.
-        2. Unpack it into src/tools/fop/
-           $ cd src/tools
-           $ tar zxvf fop-0.20.5-bin.tar.gz
-           $ mv fop-0.20.5 fop
-     That should be enough.  The Makefile will actually invoke
-     src/tools/bin/run-fop.sh.  That script attempts to find FOP already
-     installed on your system, but falls back to the FOP unpacked into
-     src/tools/fop/ if there's no other FOP available.
-     Of course, to run FOP at all, you also need a Java runtime
-     environment.  Try java.sun.com or www.blackdown.org if you don't
-     already have that.
-     Sometimes building the book can use more memory than Java is
-     willing to allocate by default, and you may need to increase the
-     default heap size.  With Sun's JVM, this is accomplished by
-     passing the arguments "-Xms100m -Xmx200m" (known to work with
-     versions 1.2.x-1.4.x, and likely different for JVMs from other
-     vendors).  To tell fop.sh about these arguments, pass them via
-     the environment variable FOP_OPTS (which is also configurable in
-     your ~/.foprc).
-        $ export FOP_OPTS="-Xms100m -Xmx200m"
-   * If you want images to be included in the PDF, you'll need to use
-     the JIMI image processing library.  Grab the latest release from
-     http://java.sun.com/products/jimi/, then cp the jar file into the
-     same place as the FOP jar files:
-        $ cd src/tools
-        $ tar zxvf jimi1_0.tar.Z
-        $ cp Jimi/examples/AppletDemo/JimiProClasses.jar fop/lib/
-     Poof!  You now have PNG support.
-   * From this directory (en, or another language directory), do
-        $ make all-pdf
-     This produces PDF for the book in book/svn-book.pdf.
-In addition to everything in section II:
-1. Get a nice editing environment for SGML/XML.
-   This isn't strictly required, but it's nice when your editor
-   colorizes things, understands the DTD, tells you what tags you can
-   insert, etc.
-   If you use emacs, we recommend the PSGML major-mode.  Most free
-   operating systems package it, or its home page is here:
-         http://www.lysator.liu.se/projects/about_psgml.html
-   If you use vim, you might check out xmledit, at:
-         http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=301
-2. Get a validating parser.
-   Actually, if you have what you need to compile the documentation,
-   then you almost certainly have an XML validator installed already -
-   it is called xmllint, and comes as part of libxml2.
-   The makefile is preconfigured with a suitable invocation of it,
-   so simply run:
-      $ make valid
-3. Read about DocBook.
-   You'll want to get real intimate with a DocBook reference, such as
-   can be found at:  http://www.docbook.org/tdg/en/html/
--- /branches/1.6/en/REVIEW	Fri Apr 22 04:20:24 2005
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,260 +0,0 @@
-Review and comments on the Subversion book listed by chapter.
-Overall Book Comments
-        #1) Blair
-            It may be a good idea where possible to set up a little
-            example repository for the book.  It could live as
-            http://www.svnbook.org/examples/
-        #2) Gareth McCaughan (from issue #1216)
-            There are lots of instances of "..." that should probably be
-            replaced with "…".
-            Capitalization of section headings is quite inconsistent.
-            Most have all significant words capitalized ("Examine Your
-            Changes"), but some don't ("How to Read this Book"). It
-            doesn't much matter which convention is chosen, but it's
-            probably best to stick with one.
-Chapter 3
-        #1) ghudson (also affects ch 9 a little bit)
-            The new date parser requires a change to the doc formats.
-            A minimal patch can be found in issue #408.
-            The new date parser accepts three varieties kinds of
-	    formats.  The first is very nicely documented by the W3C
-	    in <http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime>; we allow the time
-	    zone designator to be missing, in which case we use system
-	    local time.  The second variety is just like the first
-	    variety, except the punctuation characters '-' and ':' are
-	    omitted.  The third variety is what we use in the output
-	    of "svn log", and can look like:
-              YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm[:ss[.uuuuuu]][ +hh[:mm]]
-            There can be fewer than six digits in the microseconds
-	    designation, and of course the time zone designation may
-	    be "-hh[:mm]" instead of "+hh[:mm]".
-    Examining History : svn log
-        #2) Gareth McCaughan (from issue #1216)
-            It would be good to say something here about the interaction
-            between "svn log" and the ability to move files and
-            directories around. Maybe just a pointer to where it's
-            discussed more fully.
-    Examining History : A Final Word on History
-        #3) Gareth McCaughan (from issue #1216)
-            Anyone who's used CVS will be wondering: if I use "svn
-            update" with the --revision flag to move back in time, what
-            then happens when I do later updates without that flag?
-Chapter 5
-    Section svn-ch-5-sect-6
-        #1) Blair
-            I don't know if the "Adding Projects" sections works best
-            here.  It follows pretty specific information on setting
-            up a repository, debugging, recovering, which are highly
-            specific and not generally used.  This section could be
-            missed.  This information is also used by people who
-            aren't Subversion "administrator's".  For example, at my
-            work, there are people creating new projects pretty
-            consistently and we have 61 projects.  While I'm the
-            administrator, the users and programmers also need to know
-            project layout information.
-            There's a repository layout section in chapter 4 that this
-            could well be merged into.  If that doesn't work, I would
-            consider moving it up to the front of this chapter.
-    Repository Basics : Unversioned Properties
-        #2) Gareth McCaughan (from issue #1216)
-            It may be worth explicitly saying that these are *not* the
-            same as the versioned properties attached to files and
-            directories.
-    Repository Creation and Configuration
-        #3) Gareth McCaughan (from issue #1216)
-            "A file whose contents are a single integer value ...": that
-            could mean either a string of characters representing an
-            integer in base 10, or a bunch of bytes representing an
-            integer in base 256.  Presumably it means the former; maybe
-            add "in base 10" to the text?
-    Repository Creation and Configuration : Hook scripts
-        #4) Gareth McCaughan (from issue #1216)
-            At the end of this section, there's a note about permissions
-            and file ownership and so on. It slightly gives the
-            impression that the main failure mode in this area is having
-            a hook script that can't do what you want because it doesn't
-            have permission. Well, maybe that's the commonest failure
-            mode, but there's a more serious failure mode where the
-            script can do altogether too much because it has too much
-            permission.  Is it worth adding some mumblings about
-            security?
-    Repository Maintenance : An Administrator's Toolkit : Berkeley DB  
-        #5) Gareth McCaughan (from issue #1216)
-            The text says that db_dump and db_load are useful for
-            transferring Berkeley databases from one machine to another.
-            It would be good to clarify the relationship between these
-            and "svnadmin dump" and "svnadmin load". (That is, that
-            there isn't any, and that Subversion users want to use the
-            latter rather than the former.)
-    Repository Maintenance : Repository Cleanup
-        #6) Gareth McCaughan (from issue #1216)
-            "If you use these two subcommands like this, you should
-            consider making your repository temporarily inaccessible to
-            clients." -- this advice would be much more helpful if it
-            said how to do it.  Later in the book, there's a similar
-            piece of advice that recommends killing the svnserve or
-            Apache process, but (1) Apache might be being used for other
-            things that you don't want to kill, (2) if you're using
-            svnserve over ssh, doesn't each user have their own
-            process?, and (3) this doesn't help if you have users
-            accessing the repository directly. Hmm.
-    Repository Maintenance : Migrating a Repository
-        #7) Gareth McCaughan (from issue #1216)
-            "The only exception to this rule is the first revision that
-            is dumped with the current svnadmin dump command." I'm not
-            sure what "current" is meant to mean here. How about "...
-            that is dumped with each svnadmin dump command."?
-            "And, secondly, Subversion cannot know the state of the
-            repository into which the dump data will be loaded (if it
-            ever, in fact, occurs)." Er, if *what* ever occurs?  Loading
-            of the dump into a repository? If that's the meaning, then I
-            suggest: "... into which the dump data will be loaded, if
-            indeed it's ever loaded into a repository at all."
-            The section about incremental repository dumps would, I
-            think, be improved if it said *explicitly* that the
-            concatenation of two dumps is a legal dump.
-Chapter 7
-    Properties : Special properties : svn:ignore
-        #1) Gareth McCaughan (from issue #1216)
-            It might be worth making a bigger deal of the one really key
-            difference between svn:ignore and .cvsignore: the former
-            will always get checked in whenever the directory it applies
-            to does, whereas you can leave .cvsignore un-checked-in.
-            This is alluded to in passing ("These facts are true for all
-            working copies, not just your own."), but it should probably
-            be mentioned in the box "Ignore Patterns for CVS Users".
-    Properties : Special properties : svn:keywords
-        #2) Gareth McCaughan (from issue #1216)
-            The exact treatment of the briefer aliases for keywords
-            isn't very clear.  Specifically, I can't tell from the
-            description here (1) whether, if I include "LastChangedDate"
-            in svn:keywords, "$Date$" will get expanded or not, nor (2)
-            whether, if I have "$Date$" and it gets expanded, it turns
-            into "$Date: ...$" or "$LastChangedDate: ...$".
-    Properties : Special properties : svn:eol-style
-        #3) Gareth McCaughan (from issue #1216)
-            "This is basically transparent to the user, though.": every
-            time I see "basically" in a technical book it makes me
-            shudder, because I'm afraid that underneath it lurk some
-            nasty details that the author is afraid to touch. This
-            should either say "This is transparent to the user." or else
-            explain briefly the ways in which it's not quite
-            transparent.
-    Externals Definitions
-        #4) Gareth McCaughan (from issue #1216)
-            "no one else has to Subver-bother---sion": wow! This appears
-            to be a bug in whatever generated the PDF form of the
-            document, because the source looks fine :-).
-Chapter 8
-    Using the APIs : Using Languages Other than C and C++
-        #1) Gareth McCaughan (from issue #1216)
-            "Our example will do the same thing as our last example": no
-            it won't. The previous example was a function to create a
-            directory in the repository; this one enumerates paths below
-            a given point in the repository. What it's the same as is
-            the example in the section on memory pools, but that's later
-            in the book.
-Chapter 9
-    Section svn-ch-9-sect-1.2
-        #1) naked
-            "svn diff" synopsis differs from actual usage and there is
-            no explanation or examples of the --old and --new
-            arguments which are bound to be confusing.
-        #2) naked
-            "svn merge" has the same problem as above.
-Appendix A
-    Directory Versions
-        #1) Gareth McCaughan (from issue #1216)
-            "For more discussion about the limitations of directory
-            versioning, see ...": it looks to me as if the referenced
-            section contains strictly *less* about the limitations of
-            directory versioning than the preceding paragraphs in
-            appendix A. Someone turning there will learn nothing new.
-Appendix C
-    Common Problems : Problems Using Subversion
-        #1) Gareth McCaughan (from issue #1216)
-            The first problem meets with the suggestion of running "svn
-            recover", and says "Make sure you run this command as the
-            user that owns and manages the database ...".  Perhaps it
-            should say something about what to do if you run it as root
-            by mistake.  (Is "chown -R user:group /path/to/repos"
-            sufficient, for instance?)
--- /branches/1.6/en/TRANSFORMING	Tue Mar  4 18:39:11 2008
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-Here are some things that we do for readability in our sources but
-which actually are incorrect, and which might need to processing when
-transforming our Docbook XML into other formats:
-1.  Our <screen> and <programlisting> tags begin with a single stray
-    newline.  We do this:
-           <screen>
-       This is the first line.
-       This is the second line.
-       </screen>
-    but should do this:
-           <screen>This is the first line.
-       This is the second line.
-       </screen>
-2.  We have space between our footnote anchors and the text to which
-    they apply.  We do this:
-       Body text.
-       <footnote>
-         <para>This is footnote text.</para>
-       </footnote>
-       More body text.
-    but should do this:
-       Body text.<footnote>
-         <para>This is footnote text.</para>
-       </footnote>
-       More body text.
--- /branches/1.6/en/prep-book-for-oreilly	Wed Jan 31 21:01:24 2007
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-import os
-import re
-import shutil
-def error_out(msg):
-    sys.stderr.write("ERROR: %s\n" % (msg))
-    sys.exit(1)
-def main():
-    try:
-        book_dir = sys.argv[1]
-        target_dir = sys.argv[2]
-    except IndexError:
-        sys.stderr.write("Usage: %s BOOK-SRC-DIR TARGET-DIR\n"
-                         % (os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])))
-        sys.exit(1)
-    # Create the target directory if it doesn't exist, fuss otherwise.
-    if os.path.exists(target_dir):
-        error_out("Target directory '%s' already exists" % (target_dir))
-    # Copy all the versioned files in the book directory into the target
-    # directory.
-    print "Exporting book source into '%s'" % (target_dir)
-    os.system('svn export "%s" "%s"' % (book_dir, target_dir))
-    print "Copying version.xml into place"
-    shutil.copy(os.path.join(book_dir, 'version.xml'),
-                os.path.join(target_dir, 'version.xml'))
-    # Read book.xml to get the mapping of section filenames to section
-    # entities.
-    print "Parsing book.xml file to find entity-to-filename map"
-    book_xml_file = os.path.join(target_dir, 'book.xml')
-    try:
-        lines = open(book_xml_file).readlines()
-    except Exception, e:
-        error_out("Unable to read '%s' (%s)" % (book_xml_file, str(e)))
-    out_fp = open(book_xml_file, 'w')
-    _re_entity = re.compile(r'<!ENTITY ([a-zA-Z0-9]*)\s+SYSTEM "(.*)">')
-    for line in lines:
-        match = _re_entity.search(line)
-        if match:
-            new_name = os.path.join(target_dir, match.group(1) + ".xml")
-            old_name = os.path.join(target_dir, match.group(2))
-            print "Renaming '%s' to '%s'" % (old_name, new_name)
-            os.rename(old_name, new_name)
-            line = '<!ENTITY %s SYSTEM "%s">\n' % (match.group(1),
-                                                   match.group(1) + ".xml")
-        out_fp.write(line)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    main()

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