Translation Teams: A Request for Help

C. Michael Pilato cmpilato at
Tue May 17 15:39:02 CDT 2005

Dear Translation Teams Actually Getting Stuff Done,

I am in dire need of some insight into how it is that you actually *do* 
get stuff done.  What makes your Subversion book translation actually 
work?  How are the teams built?  How do they coordinate?  How should we 
deal with lone rangers who email saying they'd like to start a 
translation into some language?  Are you tracking the latest changes to 
the English book, or are you working against some older tag of that book 
(you /are /doing one or the other, right?).

I think recent list traffic is a clear indication that there's *got* to 
be an easier way to get new translation teams on board, to keep 
translations from growing stale, etc.  I'm open to any and all 
suggestions that don't involve my running through downtown Chicago in my 
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